General Report 2007 - 2010


Project Category: CNCSIS, IDEI Program
Project title : Exploratory research project
Project code : ID 1211
Project name: Optimizing implementation capacities of the EU legal order into the national legal

Contracting authority: National Council of Scientific Research in Superior Education  
Contractor: Institute for Legal Research “Acad. Andrei Rădulescu”,     
                „Vintilă Dongoroz” Public Law Department

Financing contract : 172/01.10.2007
Research team:
-  prof.univ.dr. Emil Gheorghe MOROIANU, first degree scientific researcher, Project Director ;
    Director of the Institute for Legal Research “Acad. Andrei Rădulescu”;
-  conf. univ.dr. Emilia MIHAI ;
-  assistant. univ. dr. Ina Raluca TOMESCU;
-  dr.Tudor AVRIGEANU, second degree scientific researcher;
-  Ion IFRIM, third degree scientific researcher;
-  Mihaela BERINDEI, scientific researcher.

English Full Presentation (PDF)